Becomea Member

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Your Details
Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters
Contact Details
Business Details
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NB. If your billing details go to another person then please fill in their details using the Add contact button above.

Supporting documents

NB: Files must be less than 8mb in size.


Types of supporting documents.

In order for the board of directors to assess eligibility for membership, the BFA requires some information about the nature of your current activities, along with documentary evidence that you are developing or operating a bee farming or related business, or work within one.

Two pieces of documentary evidence as available. For example:

  • a letter of support from a current BFA member, sector professional or professional adviser
  • business plan
  • company registration details
  • VAT registration details
  • contract of employment or payslip
  • annual accounts
  • business bank account statement
  • evidence of registration with relevant authorities (eg, environmental health, National Bee Unit)
  • certificate of relevant qualification (eg, bee farming apprenticeship)
  • other form(s) of evidence as available - the list above is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive.

(Note: sensitive information will remain confidential and will only be used for the purpose of assessing eligibility for membership.)